
What is The Not-So Secret Society?

These five friends are growing up in the High-Five Towers apartments, going to school, and participating in extracurriculars. And having the craziest adventures any 12-year old could dream up!

What is The Not-So Secret Society?

These five friends are growing up in the High-Five Towers apartments, going to school, and participating in extracurriculars. And having the craziest adventures any 12-year old could dream up!

  • They battle haunted apartment buildings.
  • They become professional wrestlers.
  • They befriend aliens.
  • And that’s just to name a few. Most importantly, every adventure brings them closer together.

The Members of
the Not-So Secret Society

Madison Joyce

Madison is obsessed with two things: reading books and having incredible adventures with her friends! She wants to make the NS3 the coolest group in history!

Favorite Books

  • The Secret Society by Walter Natheme
  • A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle
  • The Giver by Lois Lowry

Aidan Millay

Aidan is constantly inventing new things...though most of his inventions don’t work! That doesn’t stop him from trying, since he wants to be the greatest inventor EVER!

Favorite Inventions

  • Hologram Wigs
  • Edible Erasers
  • Cloud Pillows

Emma Chambal

Emma is quiet and nervous in most social situations, so she constantly eats licorice to calm herself. She’s an amazing artist and designer that expresses herself through her work!

Favorite Licorice Flavors

  • Watermelon
  • Strawberry
  • Chocolate

Dylan Lin

Dylan loves to be right about things and he loves being funny. These two qualities balance out perfectly…if they didn’t, he’d drive his friends crazy! He ALWAYS wears his high-tech watch.

Favorite Functions of his Watch

  • Video Game Controller
  • Fact Finder
  • GPS

Ava Ramirez

Ava might have a short temper and loud mouth, but she’s always ready to defend her friends and take on the world, one great wrestling move at a time!

Favorite Wrestling Moves

  • Black Hawk Clothesline
  • GloomDoom Sleeper Hold
  • 4-Ton Reverse Suplex